Advice and System Engineering

In Systems Engineering and if you’re reading the standards for railway which is the EN 5012X series, it is mentioned that a product or an equipment in railway has different levels or applications. They are the Generic Product (GP), Generic Application (GA) and Specific Application (SA). GP can be a simple industrial PC, GA can…

Phases of Parents Life

It just occured to me that my children are getting bigger, i.e. growing and becoming teens, that it seems a bit disjointed with my view of my own life. I have been working over a decade now so it seems plausible to imagine how I would work or how my career would be in another…

If the shoes fit..

Recently during shopping, my wife passed a shirt for me to try. It said “Extreme Slim Fit”. Now I used to wear slim fit shirts, but it has been ages since I bought any new ones and this shirt even had the word ‘extreme’ on it. I had to try it on. It was a…

Passive and Active: Learning and Level Crossings

In railway signalling, one of the most problematic or challenging part is, subjectively, the level crossings. It is the part where the road meets the rail, where normal railway operation which is rigid and structured, meets the road operation that in some ways, very loose and has many variables. It’s an interface and interface always…

Santiago Rail Crash

02/10/2024 – Update: SARS is organizing a ‘repeat’ of this webinar, available for registration here. I joined a webinar yesterday, discussing the rail crash of a high speed train in Spain about 11 years ago. The presenter gave evidence during the court prosecutions, which resulted in the safety director being sentenced to 2.5 years in…

The Cart Before The Bus

Apparently the news in my home country, in respect to public transport, is that the government and some companies, is planning to introduce an autonomous self-driving bus. Needless to say, this caught people’s attention. But it is still in trial, and it is not clear when the technology will be mature enough to be in…


Life is an Exam

Life is an exam, or not. All my life, or at least my early years of life, I have been prepping for exams very year. In Malaysia there is the primary school exams (UPSR) that determines whether you can go to a boarding school with better facilities and reputed more experienced teachers. There you prepare…

Being A Child

My eldest daughter was teaching her younger sister to read and was explaining it phoenitically. If you don’t know what phonics is, it is pronouncing the letters the way it sounds, not the way it is pronounced. Yeah my explanation sucks. For example you pronounce the letter ‘s’ not ‘ass’, but instead ‘ssss..’ as in…