Wielding Words

What is the greatest skill that a human can have? I think it’s the speech, i.e. the ability to speak and convey ideas, the skill to wield words and to make people move, which in turn makes the world move. Why do I say that? I believe we human beings can be made to do…

If the shoes fit..

Recently during shopping, my wife passed a shirt for me to try. It said “Extreme Slim Fit”. Now I used to wear slim fit shirts, but it has been ages since I bought any new ones and this shirt even had the word ‘extreme’ on it. I had to try it on. It was a…

Learning by Doing

I joined a very interesting webinar recently, where the speaker is very passionate about his field which is the robotics. I am not too familiar with it but what interested me more was his view on teaching, where most teachers are not actually teaching students with their materials, but they are actually creating references for…

Are We Aliens

After dinner tonight, my son asked me the reason why Allah made us like this. “What do you mean like this?” I asked. “You know, like this,” he said and raised his arm.”You mean five fingers?” ”Yes,” he said. “Allah could have made us like a blob and like an alien, and then if we…

The Pursuit of Worrying

I have just finished IRSE module C and D today, a completion of the IRSE exams. Altogether there are 4 modules, A, B, C and D, and I started taking the exams with module A, in 2022. It has been 3 years constantly preparing for exams, that today I feel a bit ’empty’ after completing…

Dopamine and Waking Up

As I was growing up, the term adrenaline became popular. Or at least I became more aware of it in writings and shows. “When the adrenaline starts kicking in…” was one of the phrase that I remember. Nowadays, there are more variety of hormones that has ‘become’ mainstream. One of it is the dopamine. Dopamine…

The Cart Before The Bus

Apparently the news in my home country, in respect to public transport, is that the government and some companies, is planning to introduce an autonomous self-driving bus. Needless to say, this caught people’s attention. But it is still in trial, and it is not clear when the technology will be mature enough to be in…