Spoken vs Written Speech

I think I”ve written this book before but I felt like writing it again, as I recently joined a webinar which was about Railway and Systems Engineering. The presentation was full of interesting points and the slides were well made. There were diagrams drawn or excerpts from papers that explain complex concepts in simple summaries,…

Professional Membership

I am a member of a few professional organisations, and lately is having trouble to pay for all of them. Fortunately my employer sponsors or allow me to claim for my membership fee, but quite unfortunately, it covers only the fee for one membership. Obviously I try to maximise this by claiming on the most…


Career Progression

I talked to a friend whom I worked with in Malaysia. We caught up with what happened and he asked about what’s the best way to show a resource in a project. A graph for project planning essentially. I racked my brain for a while before I truthfully answered that I didn’t know. I haven’t…


Time and Money: Budgeting

I’m currently or have been listening a lot to Ramit Sethi regarding money management, and he has a few sources for them. I mostly listened to his podcasts coz it’s more dynamic since he invites people that slightly different backgrounds and problems so it makes it more interesting and relatable. I have his book but…


It’s Okay To Look Stupid

It’s okay to look stupid, while learning. At least that what I tell myself most of the time , especially when the subject is tough. Because you need to start somewhere and when you start doing something, you might do or ask things that might seem stupid to others. Yes, I think there are stupid…


Learning from Toys

I was almost finished with my working hours when I started watching the video below. I was working from home and my wife asked whether the video counts as working hours. https://youtu.be/CsGELduKK1U?si=WwZ90dEc6Mi4H3-Z Well I was almost finished but the video is surprisingly quite related to work. I have a vague idea about toy or model…

Manager and Boss

I saw a post on LinkedIn today telling how a person who got a 45% increase in salary and a lot of benefits such as working remotely, left the company, after being called useless and exposed to toxic environment and management. The post then went on to say that people left not because of the…