Time and Money: Budgeting
I’m currently or have been listening a lot to Ramit Sethi regarding money management, and he has a few sources for them. I mostly listened to his podcasts coz it’s more dynamic since he invites people that slightly different backgrounds and problems so it makes it more interesting and relatable. I have his book but haven’t finished it but one of the takeaways from his podcasts is that there is always the need to able to save and SPEND your money too. Basically you need to save diligently but whatever you are not saving and has earmarked to be spent, you can spend without guilt. That’s the term he used: Guilt free spending.
Comparing this to time too, sometimes and on some days, I spend quite a few hours reading fiction books. I think reading is good but it tugs on my mind occasionally that I would make me smarter or further my career more if I could have just read another technical article or book. Yea, that’s not good, right? So I am taking a page from Ramit’s book and applying a guilt free time too. As long as I have done my ‘work’ or completed the time for other tasks in the day, I can go and spend my time in any indulging activities that I like.
And now that I have completed the task of updating this blog, I’ll go and read my fiction dose for today.
Thank you for reading.