Getting Job in the UK

A friend recently asked about getting a job and moving to the UK, and I thought I’d write it down. This is more like a reflection and I would maybe update it in the future when I gain more exposure and experience. First of all, there will be the argument why go to the UK…

GPS on Railway

Someone asked recently on Linkedin, why aren’t railways using GPS for their train positioning. Here’s my answer below: 1. GPS is limited by infrastructure and obstruction2. GPS has lower accuracy, say for example, a norming point/balise. Quick google and saw it says around 1 – 5 meter accuracy. Based on this two points, it’s not…

Wielding Words

What is the greatest skill that a human can have? I think it’s the speech, i.e. the ability to speak and convey ideas, the skill to wield words and to make people move, which in turn makes the world move. Why do I say that? I believe we human beings can be made to do…

Manager and Boss

I saw a post on LinkedIn today telling how a person who got a 45% increase in salary and a lot of benefits such as working remotely, left the company, after being called useless and exposed to toxic environment and management. The post then went on to say that people left not because of the…

Life Long Learning (II)

Recently I’ve been working on a few projects that requires understanding some very wide and deep topics, particularly EULYNX and SSI. I don’t know about other people but I find them very hard to understand, and I can see people making careers by just explaining them to people. So when I am required to design…

If the shoes fit..

Recently during shopping, my wife passed a shirt for me to try. It said “Extreme Slim Fit”. Now I used to wear slim fit shirts, but it has been ages since I bought any new ones and this shirt even had the word ‘extreme’ on it. I had to try it on. It was a…

Learning by Doing

I joined a very interesting webinar recently, where the speaker is very passionate about his field which is the robotics. I am not too familiar with it but what interested me more was his view on teaching, where most teachers are not actually teaching students with their materials, but they are actually creating references for…