Advice and System Engineering

In Systems Engineering and if you’re reading the standards for railway which is the EN 5012X series, it is mentioned that a product or an equipment in railway has different levels or applications. They are the Generic Product (GP), Generic Application (GA) and Specific Application (SA). GP can be a simple industrial PC, GA can be that the PC has certain software for railway systems, and SA can be the software has files or configuration for the railway in the UK. So it gets more specific as it goes from GP to GA and then to SA.

Why does the standard or industry use this process? It helps by reducing the work needed for a new product to be installed in a railway system because if it can be argued that it has the same GA as a similar railway, less testing might be needed. Might. This process also helps because suppliers or designers can design a generic product that is more widely applicable, at a higher quality.

Anyways, relating to the title, I was thinking of these things when I heard about the death of the grandfather who is famous for coining the term Soul of My Soul. There was a video interviewing him about advice for other people and he said beautiful, generic advice. The video can be found here: LINK. Despite that, it was a very strong advice and I think it was a great hikmah (wisdom) from him in saying all those words because those are the right words to the right crowd from the right person. Similar to GA, this advice was a high ‘quality’ advice that can be applied to many situations, and made more amazing is that he can say that when his life is in the middle of a war.

Similar to SA, advice needs to be specific at times and in light of the genocide, there is much advice given in specifically how we can help. Some have the same aim but competing for the same ‘resources’ while others have different approaches. They are not wrong but we can’t do all of them. Or at least I can’t do most of them and it does become a slight source of despair. However the video linked above helps me to understand that similar to systems engineering, there is GA and SA for advice, and we have to learn when to apply which, and be consistent and content with ourself.

Thank you for reading.

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