If the shoes fit..
Recently during shopping, my wife passed a shirt for me to try. It said “Extreme Slim Fit”. Now I used to wear slim fit shirts, but it has been ages since I bought any new ones and this shirt even had the word ‘extreme’ on it. I had to try it on.
It was a nice shirt too with bright white and some colours, accents at the right places without being maudy or gaudy, and seems to have the right length of arm (I normally have problem with this, as I have a slightly long arm. No I am not an ape). I tried the shirt it on and paraded between the racks as I walked to the mirror. It looked fine. I looked smart. But, there was slight bulge in at my front. It weren’t there if I hold my breath. I related this to my wife.
She said that I should face the facts; I can’t wear slim fit shirt anymore.
I reluctantly left the shirt on the rack. She added, “Yes, the shirt looks great, the fabric looks great, the cuttings look great, but it doesn’t look great when worn.” Which I agree and set my thoughts on how some things in life seems great when you look at them, but they just don’t fit you (literally) or your lifestyle. We might envy someone’s achievement or certain kind of freedom, but it comes with sacrifices that is simply not worth the suffer (at least to you). Conversely certain things might fit you well, but you can’t go around forcing people to do it too because they might not have the same feelings that you feel.
So if the shoes, or the shirt fits, then wear them. If don’t, let them be.
Thank you for reading.