Confirming Football

Went to a Malaysian meet-up recently and it ended just before a Premier League game, and naturally most of the attendees stayed to watch the football. One of the attendants needed a lift so I offered one, and we left while people were still watching the game. The guy asked me whether I watched football, to which I said no. When I asked whether he does watch football, he mentions that he keeps tracks of things just enough to know about current trends and able to make small talks.

I understand his reasons and feel it is quite important too to be able to connect to other humans. Wow that makes me sound like an alien. Anyway, I digress. The talk above reminded me to the talk that I had with my daughter. She said that in class, they were asked to list the most important job, and two of his classmates listed footballer as the most important job. She even said her teacher remarked that in a zombie apocalypse, a footballer is the last person she would ask for help. Playing devil’s advocate, I said to her that that is quite unfair because 1) we are not in a zombie apocalypse and 2) a footballer might even able to kick a football to the horde of zombies. My daughter contested that there would be no football in that situation to kick and we bickered. In the end I highlighted that I just wanted to make the point that people have different values and it would be useful that we understand their views so that they can start to understand ours.

It just so happens that my meet-up today brought the discussion with my daughter full circle and shows that although I don’t watch football, it would be good to know the current trends once in a while. Of course that depends on the value of importance of knowing things and for me, football is quite near the bottom of the rung. Well, to each their own.

Thank you for reading.

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