Technology and Paper

I’ve always tried to not use paper and keep things digital. I’ve not realised how this has affected my children’s thinking, until today.

A bit of a background story:
Previously my son was rummaging through my old passport and asked why was it cut at the edges. I explained to him about the chip in the passport and how it makes it easier during immigration and the computer at the airport will be able to read the passport.
Also related to this story, we sometimes watch videos and these are peppered with advertisement so my son is familiar with the concept of ads as videos.

Come back to today:
There was a pamphlet through our mailbox that advertise about a local event. My son hasn’t seen this, as I have chucked it into the recycle bin after reading it. I was then explaining to him about the event, when he asked how I knew about it. I said it was from a paper advertisement we got.

“How does the advertisement work on the paper? Is there a chip?” he asked.

I was confused for a bit, and remembered the background story above, and laughed. He misunderstood that advertisements are all videos, and thought the paper advertisement (pamphlet) was so high tech that it has a chip or something similar that can show a video. I guess I am partly at fault for his confusion. 🤣

*sigh*. I wonder what future generation thinks about other things related to paper, such as eraser and pencils.

Thank you for reading.

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