Good Enough

I was about to write this post and I felt that I have written this before. Sure enough, there it was, a post I wrote two years ago. Well this shows that human are a creature of habit, and history repeats itself.

Life has been a bit hectic recently and it feels a bit overwhelming sometimes. For example I have been joining a study group that I regularly submit answers to the questionnaires, but due to trainings that I have been on, I didn’t manage to submit for the last few weeks. It seems like no big deal but it feels like I am disappointing the facilitators as they had certainly spent more time in producing the questions and then later collating them for discussion. So I try to complete the questionnaire this week.

However it seems that this week’s questions was the hardest of the group since it was about telecommunications which is easily my worst subject in engineering. It requires imagining things that are not easily proven, with abstract concept of layers and weird numbers (bytes bit?). I was disheartened to read through the questions to know (or not know) most of the answers. But I ploughed on since I have committed myself to doing the question. Halfway through I honestly felt that it wasn’t so bad because 1) the purpose of the questionnaire is to learn, 2) it is okay to give shitty answers and not know all.

Faris, doing the work itself is sometimes more than good enough.

Thank you for reading.

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