I Must Be Getting Old (II)
I used to always try new software, all in the hope of ever increasing productivity and making life a bit easier. It normally doesn’t make life easier, but I enjoyed it. My wife didn’t, at least not as much as every time I migrated my drive or storage system/software, she would be dragged along and has to learn new things and find things out. I used to move from Evernote, to Trello, and something else which I can’t remember, before now using Notion for most of my personal (and partly work) knowledge bank.
Today however I needed to view comments in a pdf, and I couldn’t find the comment pane in Foxit pdf reader. I clicked around three times, and figuratively threw the towel and went to download Adobe reader (which I have been forced to use at work, hence I was more familiar with the interface). As the software was downloading, I thought to myself that I could just have googled how to find the comment pane, and it was not that hard. It was in comparison a lot easier than what I’ve done such as I described in the previous paragraph.
I then realized that I have become settled in my ways, and has a certain set of ways doing things. In short, I am getting old. Oh my.
In my defense though, I was rushing to get the job done. I have realized over the year that sometimes delivering the result outweighs developing the system, and there are times for the opposite. I wrote it here.
Still, I am getting old and there is no denying that. Oh well, at least I had my time.
Thank you for reading.