View of Years

A colleague brought a cake to the office today because it was his birthday , something the British does (in Malaysia it’s the other way around, where the office would buy birthday cake for the one who is celebrating). Anyways, people were wishing him happy birthday, and asked his age (something I heard you should not be doing to British, but I guess the limit is a bit blurred when you’re friendly and chums, I guess), and he said he was 30 years old.

“30?! That’s old” I thought to myself. That’s like in the 3 series. But then I remembered that I am going to be 38 years old and soon in the 4 series (as in 40s age bracket). Funny how I can think of someone to be old, when I am already way past that age and not thought to apply myself at the same ‘standard’. To me, I am the same age as myself, and others will either be younger or older. I guess that is a fallacy as a human that I view everything from my centre stage, and everyone is relative to me. Maybe when I am at 60, I’ll think people in their 70s are old while I myself have a few years left to live.
Similarly a character in a book that I recently read described the same thing, where when he was 15 years old, he thought that 40 years old is more than enough to live but when he arrived at the same age, he was reluctant to let go of life. Quite an interesting read, which I will write the review soon.

Anyways here’s to another year to our age.

Thank you for reading.

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