Getting Job in the UK

A friend recently asked about getting a job and moving to the UK, and I thought I’d write it down. This is more like a reflection and I would maybe update it in the future when I gain more exposure and experience. First of all, there will be the argument why go to the UK…

You Need to Have a Plan

Even though Muhammad Ali says ‘everyone has a plan, until they get hit in the face’, you still need to have a plan. Especially so since life will hit you in the face, many times. And you might want to change your plan(s) every time you get hit, which has nothing wrong at all, as…

Useful Knowledge

A friend suggested that I join a professional course, which seems like a very good one, but requires a substantial amount of payment. Even if it didn’t cost anything, there’s still the time needed to be invested. So any way you see it, there’s always a cost to learn anything. I know I wrote previously…

Define Your Happiness

Someone once asked me what do I, and everyone in the whole world wants. I answered then, happiness. Everyone wants to be happy. I still think the same now, but my definition of happiness is different. In fact I think everyone’s definition of happiness SHOULD be different. If you’re re-using someone else’s definition, most likely…

Inertia Is Real

There’s always the dread of doing something (new) or picking up something that you have been leaving on the floor for a while. This is necessarily more so when you that task has no quick direct consequence but has a considerable long impact; you are more to kid yourself that the long impact wouldn’t suffer…

Clear Mind and Space

I’m always fascinated by how people minds’ work, and one of it is how some people can work with their workspace cluttered. I find it distracting and it seems to occupy my mental load, when I see a lot of things within my vicinity. Maybe I have a form of OCD and needs to be…

Eyes and Mental Overload

I attended a training recently where it involves a lot of drawings (technical ones) and logics. The trainer was very good as he explained most concepts and misunderstandings with examples and drawings. After answering rows of difficult questions he said, “Good questions. When I closed my eyes while you guys were asking, not because I…