GPS on Railway

Someone asked recently on Linkedin, why aren’t railways using GPS for their train positioning. Here’s my answer below: 1. GPS is limited by infrastructure and obstruction2. GPS has lower accuracy, say for example, a norming point/balise. Quick google and saw it says around 1 – 5 meter accuracy. Based on this two points, it’s not…

The Pursuit of Worrying

I have just finished IRSE module C and D today, a completion of the IRSE exams. Altogether there are 4 modules, A, B, C and D, and I started taking the exams with module A, in 2022. It has been 3 years constantly preparing for exams, that today I feel a bit ’empty’ after completing…

Passive and Active: Learning and Level Crossings

In railway signalling, one of the most problematic or challenging part is, subjectively, the level crossings. It is the part where the road meets the rail, where normal railway operation which is rigid and structured, meets the road operation that in some ways, very loose and has many variables. It’s an interface and interface always…