Spring has sprung!
It is one of life’s joy to step into spring from the edge of winter. Faris, 2023
It is one of life’s joy to step into spring from the edge of winter. Faris, 2023
I’ve been a bit unwell recently, so in an excuse of resting and recovering, I’ve been scrolling a lot on Facebook. One of my bad habits while scrolling the newsfeed (which is a bad habit in itself) is to read the comments, especially watching a video or reading a post that sounds hard to believe….
I once heard that if you were to bring a problem to your boss/superiors, you better have some solutions ready to propose. At least three solutions. It irked me at that time because to me, it was the manager’s or boss’ responsibilities to find a solution, not to ‘delegate’ the works to their employee. The…
Recently I listened to this podcast discussing about coaching and it struck me how coaching is like having your family behind you, most of the time. To be clear, coaching here is not the sport coaching where a coach teaches the team the game plan and shouts from the sideline, but this coach talks about…
A colleague recently went off for a two weeks holiday and came back the other day. Although I envy the trip and time off, I don’t feel the same towards the amount of works and commitments that came swamping back on him. The first few days back from the holiday was spent catching up on…
Template LINK Ramadhan is related to reading Quran. About a few years ago, I made a point of finishing reading the Quran during the month of Ramadhan; on some year I did, on others I didn’t and only managed to khatam(finish) after Ramadhan ended. Along the process, I discovered it easier if reading the Quran…
I’ve read somewhere that advice not asked is advice not needed. In other words, there are nagging and preaching words. I try as far and as often as possible to avoid giving them. Luckily my friends quite often asked me about my opinions and suggestions on certain topics such as techs stuff, so I am…
David Goggins has achieved a lot. Regardless whether those achievements are relevant to you or sound senseless (4000 Pull-ups?), the physical exertion and capabilities he’s achieved are astounding. I’m a couch potato myself and went inside this audiobook thinking that yeah, I probably wouldn’t benefit much from that aspect, since I’m rarely motivated much by…
Hello there, Assalamualaikum and I am back again. I was surprised, and quite glad that someone messaged me asked why a link to my website was not available. I wasn’t surprised because the link was down, since I knew my site was not renewed since last year, but rather surprised because someone actually clicked the…
It is said that among the least effective form of parenting is the ‘Threat Method’ where you compel your children to do something in return for not being penalized. It is sometimes used alone or most of the time, it is always at the end of a ‘Cajouling Method’. “Be a good boy and tidy…